Women of Rhodesia

Women of Rhodesia 

by Rita Du Plessis
Date posted: Saturday 5th May 2012


This is one of 4 series, documentaries that were done in about 1978 called Woman of Rhodesia 1,2,3. In this one, I am one of the nurses being interviewed - (as you will see, so very young).

However, let me give you some background. I was brought up in a wonderful family with three other siblings. My parents were extremely poor to begin with, but father worked hard and he eventually became the Managing Director of a company in Harare. I was lucky enough to go to a multiracial school called Mary Mount College in Mutari, where many of us across the racial lines became friends. My parents and Grand parents instilled in all of us great values of respect, responsibility and integrity. We were, in those times, considered 'liberals', I suppose.

During the war, we were mortared at school and then ended up having to sleep at the Convent in town. In fact, one mortar landed just metres away from my father in Umtali's main street, while he was doing his 'call-up', but by the Grace of God, did not explode.

I was always destined to nurse, always helping my Grand mother on the farm with any of the staff or their family who had injured themselves. There is one experience I will never forget.

While doing my community health, I came across a young black girl, probably about 14/15years old, who had a child as white as me with beautiful green eyes sitting on her lap. She had been raped by a white soldier! I can remember the immense anger I felt, the tears welling up in my eyes and went home that afternoon to tell my mother, how angry I felt. When I arrived at the house, she was in tears. It so happened that an entire family of ours had been found murdered on their farm in Lalapunzi.

The mother, who was nine months pregnant, their two young boys, under the age of six and her husband. They had been shot and burned to death. How do you even try and conceptualise war and what it does to the innocent???

I have from then on spent my life fighting injustice, no matter what, no matter who - for we all know good from evil, right from wrong. So herewith my story, not too exciting, but it gives you an insight as to who I am today.

See video at--- http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DXVLPLH8QlnY%26sns%3Dfb&h=zAQHuXZ5TAQFfXizdLie9BqNLlBAIbArV0uGvZLmNoIVFXQ


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